Why you Should Apply to be an RA

Author: Alix Corwin
Posted on November 2, 2020

When I started at MtA my first year, I cried every single day for two weeks. I was sure that I was going to make absolutely no friends, that I’d be alone for every meal, and that I was going to drop out after the first month. But something changed that, and that was the RA’s. During O-Week I walked over to the board game night with a couple of the RAs’ who were just waiting in the lobby for people to go with.  

Now they may not remember this, but I will always remember it. They walked up to me, introduced themselves and the said “come on, let’s go!” Just that simple little reassurance made me feel like I belonged, and I ended up having one of the best nights of O-Week. Moving into the first week of classes, the RA’s were always there to perform funny skits to help us get to know the house rules, they were there if we needed a band aid or if we were homesick, and they were there to walk to meals with us if we didn’t want to walk over alone.  

After those first couple weeks I settled in (and yes… I did end up making friends) but I was sure that my second year I wanted to be an RA. I applied in early February, and then found out that I was going to be one in early March. I was SO excited! And now, almost two full months into the school year, I’m already starting to hear current first years express interest in being an RA. So! I figured I’d list a few reasons why being an RA is so much fun (and no… believe it or not you’re NOT the fun police!).  

1. You get to know everyone in your residence so easily

You’re on the front lines for move in day, and then you’re so active around the house for the first few weeks that you really get to know everyone really well! It’s so comforting to be able to always see familiar faces in your residence :)

2. You get INSANELY close with your RA team  

They become your family and your support system – they will ALWAYS be there for you (even after you move out of residence) 

3. You get to help plan cool events!  

This may be the exec’s job, but if you have an idea for an event suggest it to them! Then, you get to help them plan it, and help run it sometimes too!! It’s super super fun.  

4. Move in day is SO MUCH FUN  

It’s basically 8 hours of dancing, singing, shouting, jumping, and getting to know your future residents… what more could you want?  

5. You get to know the house teams in other houses

In meetings I meet with all the different AD’s from all the houses on campus, and we’ve formed a tight knit community! It’s even more people you can rely on when you need help.  

Being an RA/AD is such a rewarding experience, and it’s one that I will remember for the rest of my life. It may be tough at times, but it is SO SO worth it!  

Photo: Two of Campbell Hall’s RA’s on Move In Day 2020 



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