
Rene M.

Campus Ambassador at Mount Allison University

Class of 2025

Hometown: Nairobi City, Kenya

Major: Economics

Advice I would give to incoming students...

Remember to stop and smell the roses... university is meant to be the best years of your life so be sure to seize the opportunities you are given as they come thick and fast. But, always remember to prioritize yourself and ensure that you are not burned out due to the strain of academics.

How have I changed since coming to Mount A...

Since coming to Mount Allison University, the biggest way I have changed has been my organization and adaptability skills have improved immensely. As I have been able to handle the hectic schedule of being a student in a new country, all while maintaining a healthy lifestyle by also prioritising extra-curriculars and friendships.

My favourite thing to do in Sackville is...

My favourite thing to do in Sackville is to walk around the various trails in Waterfowl Park (especially during the fall season) and grabbing a coffee at Aida's café.

Favourite Mount A memory (so far)...

My favourite memory at Mount Allison University so far must be Karaoke BBQ 2022. As the AD (Assistant Don) for Edwards House, I was granted the ability to coordinate dance practices and get to meet a variety of new students leading up to the biggest day of orientation. Thus, seeing it all come together with the music and laughter and the pure elation on everyone’s faces really capped off an amazing end to the busy but fruitful orientation week.

I'm involved with...

United Nations Chess Club Cross-Country Team Soccer Intramurals Club Volleyball
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