
Maddie C.

Alumnus at Mount Allison University


Current: Nova Scotia, Canada

Hometown: Nova Scotia, Canada

Employer: Associate Lawyer at Stewart McKelvey

Major: International Relations (Hons)


Maddie Coats (Class of 2016) graduated with an Honours degree in International Relations and minors in Geography and Political Science. While at Mt. A, she played on the volleyball team, was a trainer for the football team, and loved playing intramural sports (shoutout to The Machine). After graduation, Maddie ventured north to Fredericton to study law at the University of New Brunswick, and later returned to her hometown of Halifax to start her legal career. Maddie would love nothing more than to chat with prospective Mount Allison students about the incredible community that is Sackville, NB, and the many, many memories she made during her time at Mt. A.

I'm involved with...

Intramural Sports Varsity Volleyball Hockey Law and politics
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