Campus Ambassador at Mount Allison University
Class of 2023
Hometown: Ontario, Canada
Major: Fine Arts & Psychology
This is a tough one… but, I remember on the very first day of class in my first year, one of my (now) close friends and I posed with one of the sculptures that was on display at the Purdy in the most awkward way and I just remember it being the funniest thing ever. At the time it was like two quirky first year fine arts students posing with someone else’s artwork, but I now look back at it as being the foundation for the tightness of that friendship.
It is okay to struggle! But it is not okay to not ask for help. There are so many resources and supports that are there for you to help you get back on track. You should not have to struggle in silence. First year can be particularly hard, but it does not have to be! I remember feeling so isolated at the beginning of my first year until I reached out and asked for help– it really does make a huge difference once you start building your support system and getting to know people on a more intimate level.
Go out to the dykes (basically where the ocean meets Sackville) and take photographs and journal. It is by far one of the most therapeutic things to do (for myself) when the rush of university gets a bit too overwhelming. I think too often we forget that Sackville consists of more than the downtown area and that there are a plethora of other areas that you can explore.
I really cannot find a single reason why I chose Mount A. It just felt like the right decision- it is where my heart was. I wanted to go to a place where I can reinvent and enrich myself in a different culture. I had fallen in love with the welcomeness of the Maritimes after a short trip and I instantly knew that I wanted to spend more of my life there. I gave up a lot to come here, but I knew that it is where I wanted to be.