What I Do In A Day Off-Campus

Author: Brianna Green
Posted on February 8, 2021

A typical school day begins with a shower, coffee, and a pair of sweatpants. With all classes being taught online my attire has completely changed. My classes do not begin until mid to late afternoon, so if I am super tired, I will hit the snooze button a few times and get some extra sleep. If I choose to be productive, I will get up early and spend my morning planning the work I need to complete during the day.  

After attending classes I usually tackle some homework that varies from composing some new music or reading literature for music history. Being a music student requires at least an hour of practice every day, so I need practice whenever I can. If I am successful in completing some work, every now and then I will head out and grab a treat at one of the local cafés since everything is located nearby. 

Living off-campus comes with many responsibilities including cooking for yourself. It is a lot of fun since you get to pick the menu all the time, though it is time consuming especially when I have a lot of homework to complete. Once I cook, eat, and clean up supper, I will finish up some more work and then take the rest of the night off by watching a movie with my roommates, or doing some self-care. Living off campus allows more freedom but does require extra responsibility! It can also be lonely at times, so be sure to get outside, stay on top of your schoolwork and take as always take care of yourself! 

Brianna Green

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