What I'd Do Differently If I'd Known COVID was Coming

Author: Aashni Talati
Posted on September 23, 2020

Disclaimer: This article is a montage of all the things my family said I’d miss when I go to university, and all the things that I swore I wouldn’t miss but undoubtedly miss now…  

Preparing for the first year of university I imagine is a stressful affair every single year. The few months between getting the ‘You’re In!’ package in the mail and stepping into your dorm room are always filled with anticipation, excitement, and even dreading the unknown. This year, however, incoming students had to prepare more for Covid-19 than they did for a new chapter of their academic careers.  

As a first-year international student, I had about half a year to pack up my life and move to Canada. If the pandemic hadn’t hit, I’d probably have spent those six months preparing for and taking my IB finals, meeting my friends and family, and visiting all my favorite spots in Mumbai city among other ‘one-last-times’. Instead, I spent an immense amount of time planning with friends for ‘when this is all over’ and ‘as soon as we can go out’. Every week, an extension on the lockdown would be declared, and every week, I’d believe that the extension would only last another week.  

An elongated Spring break turned quickly into a ‘self-care week’, which gradually became a rather relaxed (lazy) summer. Instead, I wish I’d traded the binge-watching sessions on Netflix for time with my grandparents. Instead of obsessively checking social media 37 times in one afternoon, I wish I’d actually called up an old friend.  

Only a few days into classes, and my to-do list is full, my laundry basket is overflowing, my more-for-less pack of instant ramen is almost over, and I’ve chugged several cups of iced coffee instead of actually making it to Jennings for breakfast. Do I hate it? No way! it’s the ReAl cOlLegE exPerIEnCe! I do, however, wish I hadn’t taken for granted the family lunches with dal and roti, the early morning wake-up calls courtesy of my brother, and the noise and bustle that is Mumbai city.  

Photo: New town, same old raindrop races!

Aashni Talati

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