Tips on How to Survive Your First Semester

Author: Gillian Collins
Posted on October 4, 2020

The school year is officially in full swing and it is looking a little different than in previous years! As we all try and navigate this new school year, here are some tips to help guide you through your first *virtual* semester.

  1. The biggest tip that anyone will tell you is: manage your time. I know it can be hard and Netflix is always going to be the easier choice when it comes to binging The Office or doing your readings. Creating a routine, discovering which study techniques and tools are most useful and finding good places to study or do work are be some key parts of effectively managing your time. Try choosing a space where there is a clear separation between down time and work time. (This means not working on your bed. I know how tempting it is, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll end up napping/watching TV instead of working). Of course, none of this is going to happen immediately, it takes time, so be kind to yourself while you find out what is going to work best for you.  
  1. Failure is okay. I am definitely not saying that flunking all of your classes is A-OK. I’m saying that in this time of transition, when you are still figuring out what the expectations are and what programs interest you, the occasional failure is okay. At university, the academic expectations of students are high, our expectations of ourselves are high. Sometimes, we don’t reach those expectations, so if you are struggling, don’t be scared to reach out to your professors or the resources on campus. That’s what they are here for, to help you learn and ultimately succeed. Success isn’t linear and failing helps us learn and motivates us to do better.  
  1. Take time for yourself. School can get really overwhelming sometimes and it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be “on” 24/7. Now that the majority of school has been shifted onto an online format, try finding hobbies or activities away from a screen. Usually, I would turn on Netflix or scroll mindlessly through Instagram, but I’ve been trying to find other ways to spend this time. Sometimes I listen to music or read a book, but one of my favourite things to do is get outside! 
  1. Have fun! University isn’t all about the academics, especially at a small school like Mount Allison, it’s also about a sense of community. Step out of your comfort zone, get involved in sports, clubs or just in your residence. This is where you’ll make memories and form long-lasting friendships! 

Not everything is going to come naturally to you! Balancing academics and your social lives will take time, but there are 4 years to get it right! Here’s to another semester. Good luck! 

Gillian Collins

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