Self Care When Starting University

Author: Cassidy Coombs
Posted on September 21, 2020

Heading into university can be a very exciting but stressful time. While students move away from their familiar homes, it can be difficult to adjust to the new environments that come along with university. Changes in location, friends, and academia are a lot to handle all at once and that’s why self-care is an extremely important practice to keep in mind. In this post I will be reviewing some of the most useful self care tips that I have found to helpful in my own life.  

I cannot stress enough how important a good night’s sleep can be. Sleep can have a huge influence on your productivity, mood, and health. It is recommended that people get between 7-9 hours per night. Although these numbers may seem unrealistic when trying to make friends, attend events, and get your schoolwork done, try to make sleep a priority. In order for your body to function at its best, you need a good night of rest.  

After sleep, try to eat healthy and balanced meals. Your body and mind need fuel to keep you going. Take advantage of your meal hall or kitchen for all the options they offer. If your eating at a meal hall, make an effort to go for at least three meals a day. It can be tempting to sleep through breakfast, yet this sets you up for your first classes/events and starts your day. It is a great idea to pack snacks and always keep a water bottle with you everywhere you go. Often times your schedule may change and you might spend longer working on an assignment then you thought, so these snacks and water can provide you with the energy you need until heading to meal hall or back home after.  

Never be too harsh on yourself. You are doing great! Receiving a bad grade, not making a friend at an event, or forgetting a deadline are all small events in the grand scheme of things. Rather then beating yourself up about things that don’t go your way, try to assess what went well, why it didn’t go as planned, and perhaps how you could make changes for next time. Use these times as learning moments, you got this!!  

A few more things I do to practice self-care is talking to my support people. Whether it is a friend, a family member, or a counsellor, talking to others can provide you with the uplifting encouragement and different perspectives that you haven’t thought of. Having supportive relationships with others can do great things for your mental health. University can be demanding, but join clubs and societies, hang out with friends, and socialize with others. Breaks are encouraged!  

The list of self care tips could go on forever, find what works best for you and make these practices a priority. If you love a face mask on a Friday night, go for it! If walks soothe your soul, find some trails close to campus. If you find comfort in listening to music, plug in those headphones. Self-Care as a university student can easily fall to the bottom of the to-do list, however your health is important. Taking a break to recharge by doing something you enjoy has so many benefits. Take care of your self. 😊  

Cassidy Coombs

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