My Favourite Things About the Small Town of Sackville

Author: Linnea Bidder
Posted on July 14, 2020

One of my favourite parts about Mount A is the small town of Sackville that it’s located in! I have come to realize over the past few years that there are so many reasons why I love living in a small town, and here are my top three! 

Firstly, along with all the many support systems there are on campus, the encouragement students have is from not only the university, but into the Sackville community! I realized this very quickly when I got involved with one of the Mount A clubs, ‘kids in action mentorship program’ and was paired up with a ‘little buddy’ who I got to mentor. I often am stopped on the streets or at the grocery store by the kids from the program with a warm smile and have even bumped into my little buddy at the ice-rink which ended in spending the day skating with her and her family! From the corn-boil thrown by the community to welcome incoming students to the friendly coffee shop owners downtown, the Sackville community is truly something special.  

The second thing that I noticed after moving to a small town was that everyone knows everyone! When the first day of classes nerves start to kick in, I always can be reassured that I will know someone in the class or sit next to someone and realize we have so many mutual friends! Although it only takes five minutes to get across campus, I can almost guarantee that I will say hello to at least five people on my short walk, and usually a professor too. 

The last, but certainly not least, reason why I love living in the small town of Sackville is that I am never late for anything! Like most students I know, I am by no means a morning person and often find myself sleeping into the very last minute that I can. Even with leaving myself fifteen minutes before an 8:30AM class, I still manage to get ready, have breakfast at meal hall and make it to class with a couple minutes to spare. In fact, I realized only five minutes before taking a midterm that I had misplaced my calculator and I still was able to loan one from the library and make it to the midterm on time! 

I could go on and on about why I love Sackville, from Waterfowl Park to the welcoming community and the breathtaking sunsets! Sackville is truly a special place filled with beautiful people. 

Linnea Bidder

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