Healthy Eating Tips for University

Author: Orientation 2022
Posted on June 28, 2021

In order to always be physically prepared for a busy schedule (such as during Orientation week), having  healthy eating habits is very much crucial. Here are a few of my tips for you: 

  1. Drink a lot of water. It is well known that staying hydrated is a crucial part of being healthy. There is a common recommendation to drink 1.5 L to 2.0 L of water per day, but you may need more or less based on how much you exercise, your diet, and your doctor’s advice. You can use a bottle to measure your water intake. 
  1. Incorporate vegetables into every meal. Not only does the fibre in vegetables help digestion, they are also good filler food - food that is low in calories but can fill up your stomach. 
  1. Try to go for healthier snacks. Chips and cookies can be delicious, but they are super high in sodium, sugar, and fat. You can replace them with nuts, fruits, or vegetables. 
  1. Restrict your alcohol consumption. We all know long-term excessive alcohol consumption will eventually shut down our bodies. Heavy drinking during school days may prevent you from absorbing new knowledge or staying awake and focused.  Don’t let anyone pressure you to drink, and don't pressure anyone to either! 
  1. If there's a need to lose weight, do it wisely. Consult a specialist before planning. Dieting the wrong way may severely sabotage your health. 

Written by Ca Nguyen, a member of the Health & Wellness subcommitee of this year's Orientation


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