Getting Through an Online Semester!

Author: Lucy Poole
Posted on May 18, 2020

After leaving campus a little over a month ago, myself and all of my friends have had to find ways to adjust to online learning to finish our semester. Now that we’ve all finished our exams and have another year of university behind us (I can’t say I ever thought I would write a university final in my childhood bedroom, but here we are), I wanted to share a few tips for managing the transition from in-person to remote learning for all of you who still have a couple months of school to go.

1. Designate a space in your home for schoolwork ONLY

Doing this was probably the only way I was able to accomplish any work while at home. Just like at school, designating a specific place for work trains your brain to be able to focus better in that specific environment. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to work in my bedroom without re-starting Grey’s Anatomy for the fourth time (I’ll admit that this happened anyway… but it would have happened a lot earlier had I been studying in my room), so I set up a makeshift desk in a different part of the house. This set up really helped me focus and was a good way to set boundaries between home and school.

2. Stick to schedules and take real breaks

Another thing that can be hard is making sure you’re taking time to do things that are completely unrelated to school. Even though it seems like you have all the time in the world to do school, it’s even more important to schedule breaks and establish a routine. I tried my best to do most of my work on weekdays so that I could still look forward to a break on the weekend, just like I would if I was still on campus. Adding some structure to my days made me feel more normal and I found myself able to accomplish more in smaller amounts of time. And, after a few hours of work in the morning, I could make a pan of raspberry chocolate brownies and eat them guilt-free!

3. Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments!

It can be really hard not to put a lot of pressure on yourself to work at the same standard as usual. But, it’s unrealistic to expect the same of yourself in such a strange situation. Be sure to give yourself credit for everything you accomplish from home, even things that might seem really small!

Above all, it’s so important to remember to take care of yourself and those around you. School is important, but don’t forget to prioritize your own well-being too! You got this!!!

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