Getting Involved 101

Author: Orientation 2022
Posted on August 27, 2022

One of the ways to make the most out of your time at Mount A is by getting involved! The first few weeks of school can be very overwhelming, as it can be difficult to know what extracurricular activities you will be able to balance on top of your course load. Here are some tips for getting involved during your time at Mount A, while still making sure you save time for yourself! 

  1. Create a schedule 

It can be really helpful to have a visual of what your weekly schedule looks like, so I suggest either making a digital or paper copy of your set schedule for the week. On this schedule include your classes and block off some time for other things you enjoy (ex: going to the gym, reading, going for a walk). This way when it comes time to sign up for extra curriculars, you will have an idea of how busy your schedule is already! 

  1. Go to the clubs & societies fair  

The C&S fair is the perfect place to learn about all the clubs and societies that Mount A has to offer! You can also talk to members of the different clubs/societies and learn what level of commitment will be expected if you join. At the club fair, many groups take down names and emails for people who are interested in joining. If you are unsure if you are ready to commit, there is no harm in giving your email and getting more information about the club later on. You won’t have to make your decision at that moment 

  1. Don’t be afraid to take a step back 

If you do join a club and find that it is becoming too much to fit into your schedule, take a step back! Your mental health is the most important, so take care of yourself. Clubs and societies are run by students, and students know better than anyone just how busy life can get. If you find one of your commitments to be too much, talk to someone about taking a break.  

  1. Attend events put on by other clubs, societies, and teams! 

Even if you are not directly involved in a club, many teams, clubs, and societies put on events for the whole school! Attend the events that sound interesting to you, and you might just make a few friends or develop an interest in joining that club! It is also a great way to support your peers. 

  1. Do things for YOU 

Get involved in things you enjoy! Don’t just do it just for a resume builder. Doing something you know you won’t enjoy makes it a lot harder to give it your all. That being said, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try out things you are unsure of!  

Orientation 2022

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